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The healthcare industry is quick to encourage adaptive technologies and assistive devices to help seniors live safely and more independently. With some of these tools and services, it’s amazing to see how a single technology can help empower seniors aging in place. For example, a loved one may have trouble remembering what pills to take each day, so you get them an electronic medication reminder. Or, you might worry about them falling, so you have home monitoring devices installed. Whether a senior has mobility challenges, difficulty communicating, symptoms of dementia, or they simply need a watchful eye, there is likely a technology or device to fit their needs. However, for a person of any age, learning and accepting something new can elicit mixed emotions. Anxiety, resistance, anticipation, confusion, stress and uncertainty are common feelings when trying to overcome a learning gap. Expecting some baby boomers and especially those from the silent generation to adopt new technologies and devices isn’t always an easy feat. These age groups aren’t as familiar with technology and electronics as younger generations. They tend to stick with what they know and may appear stubborn in their acceptance of new people, places or things. So what happens when you show a loved one a helpful, new device or technology and you are met with resistance and frustration? Here are some tips to minimize the distress of introducing a new technology to your loved one…
  1. First and foremost, keep things simple. Stick to the motto of minimal technology for maximum quality of life. Once a senior feels overwhelmed with information the less accepting they’ll be as you explain how it works. Think carefully about how you first broach the subject. Once you do always lead with options and choices to give them control.
  2. Next, explain how the technologies or devices you’re proposing work. Keep it basic, but emphasize how these tools will help them stay not only safe, but connected and independent. It’s critical to make sure they know why they’re being asked to give something new a try.
  3. Understand their hesitancies, concerns and try to compromise. For example, a senior may be hesitant to allow cameras in their home for monitoring purposes because it seems invasive. Suggest video chatting as an alternative to check in and stay connected.
  4. If one thing is for sure, younger kids love technology and gadgets. Whether it’s a blood pressure monitor, electronic reminder device or a smartphone app, give the grandkids a shot at explaining it. Seniors love spending time with their grandchildren and this could be the best route to introduce a new technology.
Home health care services offered by certified medical professionals are a wise alternative if you feel your parent or loved one needs attention beyond what a device or technology can provide. There are always outside resources, like those available from AT Home Care, to assist in helping seniors remain independent and live a quality lifestyle. Contact us today to learn more about supporting a parent or loved one who is aging in place.Spring is in the air! We’re finally coming out of a long, unusually cold winter and are getting our first taste of spring. The snow has melted and tree buds are starting to bloom, but the inevitable truth is that the beautiful greenery outside will soon release pollen into the atmosphere. Although warm, sunny seasons have physical and mental benefits, an early spring, or a spring that quickly turns to summer can signify an exceptionally bad allergy season is ahead. Unfortunately, seasonal allergies don’t spare anyone. Infants, children, middle age adults and seniors are all equally susceptible to allergies. However, for seniors, allergies pose a higher risk than for any other age group. Asthma, COPD, high blood pressure and other chronic diseases may be further complicated by allergies. The challenge is that most of the medications that provide allergy relief contain an antihistamine. This can be a harsh combination with other medications used to treat chronic conditions. It’s for these reasons that seniors have a particularly hard time controlling seasonal allergies. There are some things that caregivers and family members can do to help seniors be safe and more comfortable this upcoming allergy season. Here are a few tips… Talk to your doctor before taking over-the-counter medication. Most allergy treatments contain antihistamines, and when paired with other medications can cause dizziness, drowsiness, high blood pressure and other adverse reactions. This can challenge a senior’s health, increase fall risk and the chance of other injuries. Keep a watchful eye for common allergy symptoms like coughing, runny nose, itchy eyes, sniffling and sneezing. These are traditional signs that allergy season is upon us. For seniors in particular, it’s important to also pinpoint the specific allergy. This is why allergy testing is often recommended. Handling an allergy to a pet is much different than dealing with a pollen allergy. Check pollen and mold levels before heading outdoors. There are many free services to check local counts. If levels are high and you intend on being outside, wear a hat and sunglasses to keep allergens out of your face and hair. Make sure outdoor allergens stay outside. Remove clothing and shower if you’ve spent time outside, especially in areas with freshly cut lawns or heavy foliage. Keep windows and doors shut to keep pollen and other allergens from coming into the home. Clean bedding and other linens regularly. The best way to fight allergies is by determining the culprit(s) and learning how to avoid them. If you’re a caregiver or loved one of a senior who is struggling with allergies, keep their doctor in the know. It’s easy to overlook allergies if the person has multiple health issues.As we age, our skin undergoes many changes. We’re not referring to fine lines and wrinkles, rather changes taking place that make the skin drier, thinner and more fragile. Seniors are more likely to have an increase in itchy, scaly, dry skin as they age as well. These variations can make skin more prone to injuries like bumps, bruises and scrapes that take a considerable amount of time to heal. While these skin changes are common with aging, they also put seniors at risk for skin infections and ulcerations which are very serious conditions. Those who have existing medical conditions like diabetes or kidney disease can experience an even greater degree of skin problems. It is very important that seniors take care of their skin because they are more susceptible to skin infection and other skin diseases. Here are some tips to help seniors protect their skin, and to make them look and feel better about themselves…
  1. Many seniors suffer from dry skin. This oftentimes occurs on the lower arms and legs as well as the elbows. Taking warm, not hot, baths or showers and the daily use of a moisturizer should improve dryness. There are many ointments, creams and lotions on the market, test several to find what you like best. If your skin is still very dry and itchy, consult with a doctor.
  2. Be mindful of time spent outside. The sun is typically brightest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and some might say to avoid being outside during these times. However, it’s perfectly fine to go outside, just wear sunscreen and protective clothing. Apparel like a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that covers the arms and legs will block harmful rays.
  3. Regularly check your skin for changes and abnormalities. Keep an eye out for new moles, ones that have changed in shape, size or color, moles that bleed and other sores that do not heal. These may be warning signs of something more serious, and it’s recommended to consult with a doctor for further examination.
  4. Keep an eye out for bruising. Since there is a gradual loss of fat and connective tissue as we get older, the blood vessels are not supported as well and are more susceptible to injury. The skin is also thinner and more fragile so it’s prone to bruise easily. Seniors typically see an increase in bruises on their arms and legs. Some health conditions and medications can cause bruising, but if bruising occurs on areas always covered by clothing, check with a doctor.
The start of a new year usually includes goals of eating healthy and staying fit. While the weather doesn’t hinder the eating well portion of your goals, it may affect the ability to stay active. Winter weather can challenge anyone’s desire and discipline towards being physically fit, especially when it’s cold, dreary and unpleasant beyond your home’s comfortable (and heated!) walls. Dropping temperatures don’t mean you have to abandon your health and fitness routine. Depending on your age and health, your doctor can recommend an appropriate activity level for you. Here are some ideas for staying active this winter… Check out health clubs and community centers. Most gyms have group classes and instructed activities for people of varying ages and fitness levels. For seniors, your doctor should determine if gyms are a good fit for you. Many community centers offer fitness/wellness classes and activities. This is also a great outlet to remain social and engaged with others in your community. Keep the same activities in your routine, but change up the location. If your go-to activity is a brisk walk with a friend or neighbor, head over to your local mall. Most malls open their doors early so walkers can get their exercise before shoppers arrive. This is a great alternative in a climate-controlled environment If you decide to endure the cold temperatures for physical activity, it’s important to take a few precautions. Dress appropriately with the right types of layers and don’t forget to protect your extremities. The body loses 90% of its heat through the head, so make sure to wear a hat. Listen to your body for signals you may want to slow down or move inside. Staying active doesn’t necessarily mean you have to break a sweat. For seniors in particular, staying active is really more about participating in activities and connecting to the community. Volunteering is a great way to stay active, learn a new skill or nurture a hobby or passion. Libraries, shelters and churches are resources to seek out volunteering opportunities. Don’t lose sight of the simple truth—every activity counts towards your personal goals for staying active and healthy. Whether you’re doing laps at the mall, participating in a group fitness class or volunteering at a shelter, all of these are helpful to staying active and healthy. Have an open mind to try new things and get creative with friends and family.Every stroke victim’s experience is different. The type of stroke and severity of damage to the brain are determining factors in how one’s life is affected. Since a stroke changes the body’s ability to function physically, cognitively and emotionally, there are many challenges to getting the body back on track. After experiencing a stroke, most people need help and assistance getting their lives under control. Many problems that occur after a stroke are temporary, but they take time and patience in healing. People may find they need rehabilitation therapy to overcome some of the effects of a stroke. Since a stroke impacts physical, cognitive and emotional abilities, it’s important to have an understanding the side effects so that you can begin the road to recovery. Listed below are some of the commonly experienced side effects of a stroke. More specific conditions affect some people, but not others. These include shoulder/arm syndrome, learned non-use and spasticity. Physical changes of a stroke include: Cognitive & emotional changes of a stroke include: A stroke survivor’s family and friends form an important network of support, companionship and assistance. It’s important to understand side effects and how they affect life after a stroke so you can best position yourself as a knowledgeable caregiver and supporter. Many of these symptoms can dramatically change the person long term, and others take months or more to fully recover. Encouraging independence and participation is important, as many stroke survivors are capable of far more than a loved one may expect. Focus time on exercise when the person is up for it. Instilling a good quality of life is one of the most important parts of stroke recovery. For more information on rehabilitation and recovery after a stroke, contact AT Home Care today.

What is speech therapy and who provides it?

Speech therapy is provided for disorders of communication, cognition and swallowing. When speech intervention is necessary it means that one of the most essential human functions is compromised. What could be more important than restoring a means of communication, thinking or eating? Speech-language pathologists are trained professionals with the ability to improve or restore function in these areas. They must have a Master’s degree and state licensure. Most hold clinical certification (CCC) from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA). Their expertise and services include, but are not limited to:

Can effective speech therapy be provided at home?

Whether the need for speech therapy arises from an illness, disease or accident, speech-language pathologists can provide most services at home. Many people in recovery have spent weeks or months in hospitals and are thrilled to return home. Others may not have been hospitalized but do not have a means of transportation to outpatient service facilities. Still others are homebound, receiving all care in their residence. It is still possible to receive high quality, evidence-based speech-language, swallowing or cognitive-communicative therapy. There are actually benefits to receiving therapy at home.

Benefits of in-home speech therapy

People feel most comfortable in their homes and everything they need is nearby. Therapy will be less disruptive for medication, food or bathroom breaks.

Informed Caregivers

In the home, a speech pathologist frequently encounters family members or professional caregivers. They can observe therapy and receive education or counseling about the techniques implemented by the therapist. Continuity of care then improves when the speech pathologist is not present. Family members or professional caregivers are with patients many more hours per week than the visiting therapists. Knowledgeable caregivers can encourage patients to use techniques throughout the week. This extends the therapeutic effect by increasing practice time and intensity. Recent research suggests these parameters improve patient outcomes. Additionally, naturalistic home environments support generalization of techniques to everyday situations, not confining learned behaviors to just the speech pathologist or clinic.

Personally Relevant Materials

Another benefit of in-home speech therapy is that the patient’s own items can be used in therapy. For example, in language or memory therapy family pictures or photo albums can be adapted as stimulus materials. In swallowing therapy, the speech pathologist can use the patient’s actual silverware. This can increase the accuracy of instructions and the safety of the patient during swallowing. A patient’s spoon may be twice the size of a plastic spoon commonly used in outpatient rehabilitation.

Less Stress and Energy Expenditure

Patients experience fatigue with illness or during recovery. In-home speech therapy reduces the burden on the patient for travel time and physical activity, saving energy to put into a meaningful therapy session instead. This improves patient’s stamina and allows a speech-language pathologist to see a patient at his or her best. There are numerous reasons why people elect to have rehabilitation at home. An experienced speech-language pathologist can provide quality therapy in that environment and actually harness the benefits of in-home speech therapy to enhance a patient’s experience within individual therapy sessions and overall outcomes.Parkinson’s is a slow progressing disease that affects the body’s ability to have a full range of motion. This neurodegenerative brain disorder results from a gradual deterioration of the nerve cells in the brain that control regular body movements. The most common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are tremors, stiff muscles, slow movement or decreased range of motion, and difficulty walking or balancing. There is no known cure for Parkinson’s disease, but there are ways to slow its progression and better manage symptoms. The type and severity of symptoms range, as does the length of time it takes for symptoms to appear and become noticeable. This can make it difficult to know what to expect and how to act when new symptoms emerge. AT Home Care’s medical team of nurses, aides and therapists can guide patients through the various stages of the disease. AT Home Care can assist patients with medication and treatment options to help control symptoms. Patients also benefit from physical and occupational therapies. Since those with Parkinson’s disease struggle with physical limitations, their ability to live comfortably in their own home often proves difficult. AT Home Care has a team of therapists that specialize in helping patients overcome physical limitations, as well as the challenges that arise in daily living activities. Each patient suffering from Parkinson’s needs personalized care and treatment. Whether medications alone are effective, or therapy and in-home assistance are necessary, the AT Home Care team can provide a personalized, comprehensive treatment plan. Our goal is to help those suffering from this debilitating disease to better manage symptoms and maintain freedom, independence and a good quality of life. Parkinson’s Disease Statistics: There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease. However, there are ways to manage symptoms, improve quality of life and maintain independence. The objective of treatment is to help make life more comfortable and enjoyable for individuals, control symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. There are a number of medications prescribed by doctors to help individuals manage problems associated with Parkinson’s like walking, movement and tremors. These medications work by increasing the level of dopamine in the brain. Symptoms usually are fairly well controlled under the right medication regimen. Nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle modifications can also help control symptoms. Some doctors recommend physical therapy, speech therapy and/or occupational therapy in addition to medication and lifestyle changes. Parkinson’s disease is unique in the way it affects the body, so no one treatment plan works for each person. In-home health care is a means to obtain a customized care plan for someone battling Parkinson’s disease. In-home care includes therapies, medication management, assistance with activities of daily living and other services to make living with Parkinson’s at home more comfortable and manageable. Health aides, nursing staff and therapists offer a variety of in-home services to individuals with Parkinson’s: AT Home Care understands that, at times, caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s can be challenging and tiring for family members. A health aide can provide an essential in-home medical connection that brings the entire family support system together. Home health aides work with the patient and their caregivers to help reduce some of the duty and responsibility so family and friends can continue to be a strong and present companion in the patient’s life.Caring for a person with chronic pain can be emotionally and physically taxing for the caregiver. It is important that friends and family are ready and willing to support the patient with chronic pain. While a home nurse can offer a great deal of support and help for a patient with pain, caring for someone with pain, or living with chronic pain is truly a team effort. Family, friends and loved ones are an important part of the equation. Dealing with chronic pain is not easy for the patient of family of those afflicted, but there are ways to make the process smoother.

Support the Patient

The number one piece of advice given to caregivers of people with chronic pain is to offer support and understanding. While an in-home nurse can offer daily care and help with physical problems, family members and loved ones are the individuals who traditionally deal with the emotional fallout of living with chronic pain. For those suffering with chronic pain, it is important to reach out to family for support and understanding. Discuss the pain, look for signs and symptoms and offer tactics and strategies to better deal with the pain and the emotional fallout of it.

Education and Understanding

While supporting a patient with chronic pain and listening to what they have to say, it is also important for a caregiver to educate themselves on chronic pain and to become an advocate for the patient. Often times chronic pain, specifically pain that is not associated with a visible injury, is overlooked or downplayed by doctors and those around the patient. Caregivers should educate themselves on all forms of pain management, including traditional and non-traditional methods. Gaining a solid understanding of chronic pain and the possible pain management tactics will make it easier for a caregiver to truly help and support the patient in question. When at the doctor’s remember to ask questions and take notes. Taking notes can help the patient and the caregiver absorb the information. A doctors office can be an overwhelming place, and information can be lost upon leaving. Notes help remind the patient of what was spoken about, and what options are available for management.

Speaking with Insurance Providers and Doctors

Those dealing with chronic pain may not be able to deal with their own insurance claims. Chronic pain takes a great deal out of a person, both physically and emotionally, and for some with chronic pain dealing with insurance providers and claims, as well as doctors appointments can be incredible taxing. To help a person dealing with chronic pain offer to deal with insurance claims for them, as well as accompany them to doctors appointments. A caregiver who chooses to deal with insurance claims for a chronic pain suffer must be related to the person in question and have written or spoken permission to deal with the insurance company. Regularly check in with the chronic pain patient to see what needs to be done on the insurance end, including dealing with claims for a home health aide.Back pain affects people of all ages, yet the pain for seniors isn’t usually as easy to relieve.  Whether it’s osteoporosis, arthritis, shrinking padding between backbones or just the normal changes that come with aging, addressing the problem before it becomes debilitating is very important.  Back pain in the elderly usually causes a decrease in function, much more so than in the younger population, so that they’re not able to perform basic tasks of daily living.  Their pain also tends to be more chronic.  Incorporating physical therapy occupational therapy, nursing and exercise physiology to ones routine can produce significant results for the aging population even before the onset of back pain.

Back Pain Management for Seniors

Geriatric patients are more likely to be homebound to begin with.  Often they have home health care for different reasons.  Home health care clinicians should evaluate their elderly patient for any back discomfort during their initial evaluation.  AT Home Care, Virginia’s largest independent home health agency, counsels its elderly patients on exercise and diet that can aid in the recovery of other ailments just by giving them more ambulation and range of motion.  Nutritional supplements such as vitamin D and calcium are recommended at 800 grams and 1200 grams a day respectively.  Obesity can add to the degenerative wear and tear on the spine structure so diet is important from a weight perspective.  There is a linear correlation with bone density and weight showing that those who are too thin are more likely to suffer from Osteoporosis.  But bone density and bone quality are not the same.

Compression Fractures Ignored on 50% of X-Rays Shown to Doctors.

Vertebrae disc compression of more than 80% is identified as a fracture, but In a University of Washington study it was ignored on 50% of the x-rays shown to doctors who were looking at other organs with the spine in the background.  Those who have a one fracture are 4X more likely to have another fracture.  The spine has 24 discs and 77 joints which make it vulnerable for degenerative problems.  Osteoporosis has reached epidemic proportions and has added to health care costs.   Greater awareness of preventative measures will certainly help in the ill effects of the disease.

Recovery from Back Surgery

If a geriatric patient has back surgery, they are more likely to require longer home care services following spinal surgery.  These patients may need a longer recovery due to a slower healing process, impaired cognitive skills, and decreased mobility.  As life expectancy climbs, there is an increasing prevalence of elderly patients who sustain complex fractures to their upper cervical spine.  These fractures can lead to increased morbidity and mortality.  Home health nurses have a duty to evaluate the health of their patient with regard to nutrition and exercise when opening any medical case.  Observing the patient in the home gives the home care giver a good insight into their daily routine and adjustments can be made right away.

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